Meet the board

Our Board provides strategic, senior governance and leadership to the delivery team. We have one Project Board for both the LSIP and the SDF to ensure alignment between the two projects, maintaining focus on shared goals for the region.

Our Board members are:
Yiannis Koursis, CEO Barnsley College
Jane Hickie, CEO AELP
Karen Beardsley, MD Unipart Rail and Non-executive Director Doncaster Chamber
Andrew Deniff, CEO Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce
Karen Mosley (Chair), MD HLM Architects
Matt Travis, Director Enzygo
Chris Dymond, Sheffield Digital
Dan Kirkland, Tribe Pad
Dave Lombardi, FSB
Alan Chater, Joint Professional Engineering Institutions Committee
Conor Moss, Group Director, Business Engagement, Skills and
Employability at Sheffield Hallam University
Nikki  Jones, Director, AMRC Training Centre
Helen George, Asst Director – Employment and Skills at SYMCA